細節(jié)題 (detail questions) 考查考生對托福聽力對話或講座重要細節(jié)的理解。50%的托福聽力題是細節(jié)題。每一個托福對話或講座都至少會出2~3到細節(jié)題。細節(jié)題主要考查與對話或講座主旨相關的重要細節(jié)。
1. What is X?
2. Which of the area does the picture illustrate?
3. According to the professor, what is one way that X can affect Y?
4. According to the professor, what is the main problem with the X theory?
5. Why does the university do X?
6. What resulted from the invention of the X?
7. Why does the professor mention...?
1. 當教授用5W-H ( what, who, when, where, why, how)自問自答時,回答常常是細節(jié)題的答案。
2. 下定義或解釋概念
That is why they are called...
Basically, what this says...
The general definition is...
... is know/defined as...
The term means...
3. 表建議
Why not/ Why don’t you...
You should...
What about/ How about...
You’d better...
I suggest / recommend...
Have you tried...
4. 表特征
The main feature(s)/ character(s)/ characteristic(s)/ is/ are...
Concerning X’s appearance...
X is made up of ...
They can.../ They can be used ...
5. 表轉折
but, however, in fact,
actually, yet, while, unless...
6. 表強調
remember, keep in mind,
be sure to note that...,
pay special attention to...
7. 表舉例
for example, for instance,
to exemplify, to illustrate,
let’s consider the case of...
8. 表因果
because (of), since,
due to, as a result of,
resulting from, that is why...
1. 查看筆記,要注意按照筆記所記細節(jié)的順序找答案的位置,因為托福聽力的出題順序一般與錄音順序一致,即與筆記順序一致。
2. 分析選項:將選項與筆記進行比較,通常答案都是筆記內容的同義替換。
3. 確定答案
Tips 正確選項 VS 錯誤選項
1. 原文中對該專業(yè)詞匯的正確解釋
2. 原文重要細節(jié)的同義詞替換
1. 雖然重復聽力原文的原詞,但偷換概念
2. 錯誤信息或是另外一題的信息
3. 文中根本就沒有提到的信息
4. 不符合常識的答案
5. 用主旨題的信息答細節(jié)題
Male Student: Oh, I see what you mean. Umm, is that that stuff about “hopping genes,” or something like that?
Female Student: Right. Although actually they’re called “jumping genes,” not “hopping genes.”
Male Student: Oh, OK. Jumping genes.
Female Student: Yeah, but they have another name, too, that I can’t think of. Umm... let me see if I can find it here in the book...
Male Student: I thank it’s probably on...
Female Student: Oh, OK. Here it is. Transposons. That’s what they’re called.
Male Student: Let me see. OK. Trans-po-sons, trans-posons. So“transposons” is another name for a jumping gene?
Female Student: Right. And these transposons are, you know, like, little bits od DNA that are able to move form one cell to another. That’s why they’re called “jumping genes.” They kind of, you know, “jump” from one cell to another.
Male Student: OK
According to the conversation, why are transposons sometimes called“jumping genes”?
A. They are able to move form one bacteria cell to another.
B. They are found in people with exceptional jumping ability.
C. They occur in every other generation of bacteria.
D. Their movements are rapid and unpredictable.
這是一道典型的考概念解釋的細節(jié)題。問的是為什么 “transposons” 有時候也被叫做 “jumping genes”。
首先,對話里多次出現表示概念定義的信號詞 “is called”, “name”,因此容易出概念解釋方面的細節(jié)題。信號句后出現的重點概念 “jumping genes” 和“transposons” 及概念的解釋 “And these transposons ... are able to move form one cell to another. ”
其次出現了原因信號詞 “That’s why”,信號詞后是重點:“ ‘jump’ from one cell to another”。同義詞替換后得出正確選項為:“They are able to move form one bacteria cell to another”。