Group 1
Abhor hate
Bigot narrow-minded, prejudiced person
Counterfeit fake, false
Enfranchise give voting rights
Hamper hinder, obstruct
Kindle to start a fire
Noxious harmful, poisonous, lethal
Placid calm, peaceful
Remuneration payment for work done
Talisman lucky charm
Group 2
Abrasive rough, coarse, harsh
Bilk cheat, defraud
Covert hidden, undercover
Engender cause
Hangar storage area (like garage) for a plane
Knotty complex, difficult to solve
Nuance something subtle, a fine shade of meaning
Plagiarism taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
Renown fame
Tangent going off the main subject
Group 3
Abrasiveness harshness, coarseness
Billowing swelling, fluttering, waving
Cower recoil in fear or servility, shrink away from
Enhance improve, make better or clearer
Harangue noisy attacking speech
Labyrinth a maze
Nullify to counter, make unimportant
Plaintiff applicant, petitioner
Replete full
Tangible can be touched
Group 4
Abrogate cancel, deny, repeal
Blasphemy speech which offends religious sentiments
Credible believable
Enigma puzzle, mystery
Harbingers indicators, bringers of warnings
Labyrinthine complicated, highly convoluted
Nuzzle cuddle, snuggle
Plaudit statement giving strong praise
Reprehensible shameful, very bad
Tardy slow, late, overdue, delayed
Group 5
Absolution forgiveness, pardon, release
Blatant obvious
Creditable praiseworthy
Ensconce establish firmly in a position
Hasten hurry, accelerate, rush
Laceration a cut
Obdurate stubborn
Plausible can be believed, reasonable
Reprieve a respite; postponement of a sentence
Tawdry of little value, gaudy